Quiz LibraryHow to manage your emotions
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uew5BbvmLksvideo
Concepts covered:Process Model, emotional regulation, evaluating situations, intervening in emotions, managing emotional responses
The video discusses strategies for managing emotions using the Process Model, which involves four steps: entering a situation, evaluating it, experiencing an emotional response, and intervening to change emotions. It emphasizes the importance of regulating emotions by consciously intervening at each step of the process.
How to manage your emotions
Concepts covered:Process Model, emotional regulation, evaluating situations, intervening in emotions, managing emotional responses
The video discusses strategies for managing emotions using the Process Model, which involves four steps: entering a situation, evaluating it, experiencing an emotional response, and intervening to change emotions. It emphasizes the importance of regulating emotions by consciously intervening at each step of the process.
Question 1
How can talking help regulate emotions?
Question 2
What is the primary goal of emotion regulation?
Question 3
What follows after appraising a situation?
Question 4
What strategy involves changing your thoughts about a situation?
Question 5
What is a direct method to modify a distressing situation?
Question 6
What does shifting your attention in a situation involve?

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