Quiz Library100 Conservation of Mass and Energy
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHT_6tdAY8ovideo
Concepts covered:Conservation of mass, Conservation of energy, Chemical reactions, Reactants, Products
Conservation of mass and energy are key principles where the mass and energy at the start of a reaction must equal the mass and energy at the end. In chemical reactions, it is crucial to consider all reactants and products to ensure conservation of mass.
Table of Contents1.Understanding Conservation of Mass in Reactions2.Calcium Carbonate Decomposition and Stoichiometry3.Conservation of Energy in Chemical Reactions
Understanding Conservation of Mass in Reactions
Concepts covered:Conservation of Mass, Chemical Reactions, Reactants, Products, Combustion
Exploring the concept of conservation of mass in chemical reactions, where the total mass of reactants equals the total mass of products. Delving into historical misconceptions like fire having mass due to incomplete understanding of reactants and products in combustion reactions.
Question 1
How does oxygen affect mass conservation in combustion?
Question 2
What must be considered in combustion reactions?
Question 3
Why did people think fire had mass?
Calcium Carbonate Decomposition and Stoichiometry
Concepts covered:stoichiometry, calcium carbonate, decomposition, reactants, products
Explains the concept of stoichiometry in a chemical reaction involving the decomposition of calcium carbonate to form calcium oxide and oxygen gas. Emphasizes the importance of balancing reactants and products to determine the quantities of substances formed.
Question 4
Why must total reactants equal total products?
Question 5
Given 25g CH4 and 100g O2, find CO2 mass if total products are 125g.
Question 6
Find the mass of the second product if CO2 is 68.75g.
Conservation of Energy in Chemical Reactions
Concepts covered:Conservation of Energy, Chemical Reactions, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Endothermic Reaction
Energy, like mass, follows the principle of conservation and cannot be created or destroyed. It exists in two forms: kinetic energy and potential energy, with all other types of energy being variations of these two fundamental forms.
Question 7
What does the conservation of energy imply?
Question 8
Why is defining the system important in chemistry?
Question 9
What happens to the surroundings in an endothermic reaction?

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