Quiz LibraryEpigenetics: Nature vs nurture
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k50yMwEOWGUvideo
Concepts covered:epigenetics, genetic expression, environmental influence, maternal behavior, identical twins
The video explores the concept of epigenetics, illustrating how both genetic makeup and environmental factors influence individual development, as demonstrated through the example of identical twins raised in different environments. It highlights research on rats showing that maternal behavior can alter genetic expression, suggesting that lifestyle and environmental influences can similarly impact human biology at the DNA level.
Epigenetics: Nature vs nurture
Concepts covered:epigenetics, genetic expression, environmental influence, maternal behavior, identical twins
The video explores the concept of epigenetics, illustrating how both genetic makeup and environmental factors influence individual development, as demonstrated through the example of identical twins raised in different environments. It highlights research on rats showing that maternal behavior can alter genetic expression, suggesting that lifestyle and environmental influences can similarly impact human biology at the DNA level.
Question 1
Epigenetics involves interaction between nature and nurture.
Question 2
What role does environment play in behavior?
Question 3
Lifestyle factors like stress and love affect our biology at the _____ level.
Question 4
CASE STUDY: A company wants to improve employee well-being by understanding epigenetic influences.
What should the company focus on improving?
Question 5
CASE STUDY: A parenting workshop aims to educate on epigenetic impacts on child development.
Select three focus areas for the workshop.
Question 6
Genes solely determine human behavior and development.
Question 7
How can lifestyle choices impact genes?
Question 8
High licking rat mothers influence their babies' genes by removing _____.
Question 9
CASE STUDY: A school is designing a program to enhance student development through epigenetic principles.
What should the program include?
Question 10
Environmental factors can alter genetic expression in humans.
Question 11
How does epigenetics influence human development?
Question 12
The field that studies gene-environment interaction is called _____.

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