Created from Youtube video: covered:Abby, Rudy, gratitude, scavenger hunt, happy day
Abby and Rudy experience a rough morning but learn to practice gratitude through a scavenger hunt, focusing on things that make them happy and thankful, ultimately turning a bad day into a happy one.
Concepts covered:Abby, Rudy, gratitude, scavenger hunt, happy day
Abby and Rudy experience a rough morning but learn to practice gratitude through a scavenger hunt, focusing on things that make them happy and thankful, ultimately turning a bad day into a happy one.
Question 1
How does being thankful affect Abby's day?
Question 2
What activity helps Abby feel better?
Question 3
What does Abby's mom suggest to feel better?
Question 4
Why does the picture of Rudy make Abby laugh?
Question 5
What sense does Abby use to hear something happy?
Question 6
What does Abby struggle to find?
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