Quiz LibraryCategories (Types) of Networks – BAN, PAN, NAN, HAN, CAN, LAN, MAN, WAN, Internet | Computer Network
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kL_nc13_WRgvideo
Concepts covered:BAN, PAN, NAN, HAN, LAN
The video discusses various types of networks, starting with the smallest network, BAN (Body Area Network), which includes devices like smartwatches and medical devices. It then covers PAN (Personal Area Network), NAN (Near Area Network), HAN (Home Area Network), LAN (Local Area Network), CAN (Campus Area Network), MAN (Metropolitan Area Network), WAN (Wide Area Network), and the largest network, the Internet.
Table of Contents1.Exploring Body Area Networks2.Body Area Network and Personal Area Network3.Exploring Home Area Network (HAN) and its Connectivity4.Types of Local Area Networks5.Understanding Wide Area Networks and the Internet
Exploring Body Area Networks
Concepts covered:Body Area Network, smartwatches, medical devices, ECG monitors, fitness bands
Body Area Network (BAN) involves connecting devices to the human body, such as smartwatches and medical devices like ECG monitors, to monitor health and activity levels.
Question 1
What does 'BAN' stand for in the context?
Question 2
Which device is an example of BAN technology?
Question 3
What feature distinguishes BAN devices from others?
Body Area Network and Personal Area Network
Concepts covered:Body Area Network, Personal Area Network, Proximity Communication, PAN, Smallest Network
A body area network refers to devices in close proximity to the body for communication, while a personal area network (PAN) is the next level of network, focusing on personal communication and interaction. PAN is considered the smallest network until the introduction of the broader body area network.
Question 4
What defines a Body Area Network (BAN)?
Question 5
Which network is smaller, BAN or PAN?
Question 6
How did BAN impact the perception of PAN's size?
Exploring Home Area Network (HAN) and its Connectivity
Concepts covered:Home Area Network, HAN, Local Area Network, LAN, Connectivity
Home Area Network (HAN) is a fascinating network concept derived from Local Area Network (LAN), focusing on devices within a household connected via Wi-Fi or network facilities. It encompasses devices like smartphones, laptops, LED TVs, and game consoles, creating a network environment within a home.
Question 7
What devices typically connect in a Home Area Network?
Question 8
How does CAN extend beyond a typical LAN?
Question 9
Which devices are commonly used in a LAN setup?
Types of Local Area Networks
Concepts covered:Local Area Networks, Building LAN, Campus Area Network, Home Area Network, LAN Categories
The chapter discusses the different categories of local area networks (LAN), including building LAN, campus area network (CAN), and home area network (HAN). It explains how CAN encompasses university networks, while HAN covers rooms within 10-100 meters.
Question 10
What network type is smaller than LAN?
Question 11
What is the range of a Home Area Network?
Question 12
How does CAN differ from LAN in terms of range?
Understanding Wide Area Networks and the Internet
Concepts covered:Wide Area Networks, WAN, Internet, Connectivity, Firewalls
Wide Area Networks (WAN) are significant networks that connect countries and continents, with the largest network being the Internet. Despite global connectivity, firewalls restrict access to certain content based on country permissions.
Question 13
What is larger, a WAN or the internet?
Question 14
What connects different countries in a continent network?
Question 15
Does the internet connect the entire planet?

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