Quiz Library2024 Spring Mentor Training
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbp5JHJewdEvideo
Concepts covered:2024 Spring Mentor Training, Rock the Street Wall Street, female financial professionals, mentoring program, networking skills
The 2024 Spring Mentor Training at Rock the Street Wall Street aims to empower female financial professionals to mentor over 1,000 girls in 60 high schools across three countries, providing knowledge and confidence to navigate the financial industry. The training introduces mentors to key topics like networking, elevator pitches, and follow-up strategies to build lasting connections with students, emphasizing the importance of ongoing mentorship beyond the program sessions.
Table of Contents1.Empowering Female Financial Professionals through Mentorship2.Exploring the Mentor Handbook with Emily Holm3.Introduction to Networking and Session Structure4.Mentorship and Networking Session5.Networking Activities and Follow-up Strategies
Empowering Female Financial Professionals through Mentorship
Concepts covered:Mentorship, Female Financial Professionals, Empowerment, Financial Industry, Career Development
Rock the Street Wall Street's 2024 mentorship spring training, led by Ashley Leftwich, aims to empower female financial professionals by providing knowledge and confidence to navigate the financial industry. The program serves over 1,000 girls in 60 high schools across 30 cities in three countries, fostering growth and success.
Question 1
What is the primary goal of the spring mentorship?
Question 2
What has contributed to the program's expansion?
Question 3
Why is personalized guidance crucial in mentorship?
Exploring the Mentor Handbook with Emily Holm
Concepts covered:Mentor Handbook, Spring Mentorship, Rock the Street Wall Street, Emily Holm, Financial Literacy
Emily Holm, the Student Learning and Alumni Development Manager at Rock the Street Wall Street, introduces the Mentor Handbook and discusses the topics covered during the spring mentorship sessions. The handbook provides essential information on the program, resources, and logistics for mentors and proteges.
Question 4
What is the theme for this year's mentorship?
Question 5
Where can mentors register for the app?
Question 6
What challenge does 'mentoring across differences' address?
Introduction to Networking and Session Structure
Concepts covered:Networking, Session Structure, Mentorship, Time Management, Attendance
The chapter introduces the mentor to their Protege and covers the importance of networking. It outlines the structure of session pages, including main topics, agenda, and time management tips.
Question 7
What's the ideal mentor to protege pairing ratio?
Question 8
Why is networking crucial in professional settings?
Question 9
How does taking attendance impact student benefits?
Mentorship and Networking Session
Concepts covered:mentorship, networking, icebreaker exercises, elevator pitch, professional network
The chapter focuses on guiding mentors through activities like registering proteges, engaging in icebreaker exercises, introducing networking concepts, and crafting elevator pitches to help proteges build their professional network and career skills.
Question 10
What benefits does the new platform offer?
Question 11
What should mentors prepare between sessions?
Question 12
What distinguishes mentors from sponsors?
Networking Activities and Follow-up Strategies
Concepts covered:Networking activities, Speed networking, Follow-up strategies, Professional connections, Career readiness
Engaging Networking Activities and Follow-up Strategies
Question 13
What role do mentors play in speed networking?
Question 14
How is feedback given during the networking activity?
Question 15
What benefit does hiring high school interns offer companies?

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