Quiz LibrarySHREK Clip - "Onions" (2001) Mike Myers
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUQ9bjBfiRkvideo
Concepts covered:ogres, onions, layers, Donkey, Shrek
In this clip from Shrek, Shrek explains to Donkey that ogres are like onions because they have layers, countering Donkey's suggestions that ogres should be more like cakes or parfaits. Shrek emphasizes that ogres are complex and misunderstood, much like onions, despite Donkey's humorous attempts to compare them to more universally liked foods.
SHREK Clip - "Onions" (2001) Mike Myers
Concepts covered:ogres, onions, layers, Donkey, Shrek
In this clip from Shrek, Shrek explains to Donkey that ogres are like onions because they have layers, countering Donkey's suggestions that ogres should be more like cakes or parfaits. Shrek emphasizes that ogres are complex and misunderstood, much like onions, despite Donkey's humorous attempts to compare them to more universally liked foods.
Question 1
Ignoring conflicts is a good strategy for resolution.
Question 2
How does Shrek refute the idea that ogres are like cakes?
Question 3
Why does Shrek reject the comparison of ogres to parfaits?
Question 4
CASE STUDY: Shrek and Donkey are discussing the nature of ogres and comparing them to onions and cakes. Donkey suggests that everyone loves cakes, but Shrek insists that ogres are like onions because they have layers.
All of the following are correct comparisons of ogres except...
Question 5
CASE STUDY: Shrek is explaining to Donkey that ogres are misunderstood and have more to them than people think. He uses the metaphor of onions having layers to illustrate his point.
Select three correct characteristics of ogres according to Shrek.

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