Quiz LibraryThe Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjOowWxOXCgvideo
Concepts covered:secure attachment, insecure attachment, toxic stress, primary caregiver, emotional bond
The attachment theory posits that a strong emotional and physical bond with a primary caregiver in early childhood is crucial for healthy development. Secure attachment leads to trust and successful relationships, while insecure attachment can result in mistrust, social difficulties, and negative self-image, with long-term impacts on health and behavior.
Table of Contents1.The Impact of Early Attachment on Development2.The Impact of Early Attachment on Long-Term Health and Behavior
The Impact of Early Attachment on Development
Concepts covered:attachment theory, secure attachment, insecure attachment, primary caregiver, emotional bond
Attachment theory emphasizes the importance of a strong emotional and physical bond with a primary caregiver during early childhood for healthy development. Secure attachment leads to trust and successful relationships, while insecure attachment results in mistrust and social difficulties, with specific types such as anxious-ambivalent, anxious-avoidant, and anxious-disorganized attachment styles.
Question 1
Secure attachment leads to greater trust and social skills.
Question 2
What is critical to our development according to attachment theory?
Question 3
How does insecure attachment affect adult relationships?
Question 4
CASE STUDY: A five-year-old child named Sam is starting kindergarten. His primary caregiver has always been his grandmother, who provided a secure attachment. However, his grandmother recently moved away, and now Sam is in the care of a new nanny who is less attentive.
All of the following are likely outcomes for Sam except:
Question 5
CASE STUDY: Mia, a six-year-old girl, has always felt secure with her primary caregiver. Recently, her caregiver has been less available due to a new job, and Mia is now with a nanny who is loving but inconsistent.
Select three correct impacts on Mia:
The Impact of Early Attachment on Long-Term Health and Behavior
Concepts covered:attachment styles, toxic stress, early childhood, long-term effects, secure attachment
The chapter discusses how attachment styles can be assessed in children as young as one year old through a simulated situation and the long-term effects of these attachment styles on health and behavior. It highlights the significant impact of early attachment on stress levels, brain development, and future relationships, emphasizing the importance of secure attachment in early childhood.
Question 6
Early attachment has no impact on adult health.
Question 7
How does secure attachment influence future relationships?
Question 8
What is a key indicator of secure attachment?
Question 9
CASE STUDY: An adult with a history of insecure attachment struggles to understand their own emotions and experiences frequent stress.
All of the following are effects of insecure attachment except...
Question 10
CASE STUDY: A researcher is studying the long-term effects of early attachment styles. They find that many adults with poor health had broken relationships with their mothers.
Select three correct long-term effects of insecure attachment.

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