Created from Youtube video: covered:specific heat capacity, aluminium, power measurement, energy loss, insulation
The video demonstrates a practical experiment to measure the specific heat capacity of materials like aluminium, brass, and copper. It explains the setup, including the use of a heater, thermometer, and power supply, and details the calculation of specific heat capacity using energy, mass, and temperature change, while also discussing the importance of accurate power measurement and insulation to reduce energy loss.
Specific Heat Capacity - GCSE Science Required Practical
Concepts covered:specific heat capacity, aluminium, power measurement, energy loss, insulation
The video demonstrates a practical experiment to measure the specific heat capacity of materials like aluminium, brass, and copper. It explains the setup, including the use of a heater, thermometer, and power supply, and details the calculation of specific heat capacity using energy, mass, and temperature change, while also discussing the importance of accurate power measurement and insulation to reduce energy loss.
Question 1
Specific heat capacity is energy needed to raise temperature by 1°C.
Question 2
How to improve power measurement accuracy?
Question 3
Insulating the block reduces energy loss to the _____ during the experiment.
Question 4
CASE STUDY: During a classroom experiment, students are tasked with calculating the specific heat capacity of copper. They have recorded the temperature change and need to determine the energy used.
What do students recommend for energy calculation?
Question 5
CASE STUDY: In a physics lab, students are comparing the specific heat capacities of brass and aluminum. They are using a graph to analyze their data.
Select three correct graph analysis steps.
Question 6
Insulating materials reduce energy loss to surroundings.
Question 7
What affects the accuracy of power measurement?
Question 8
The unit for specific heat capacity is _____ per kilogram per degree Celsius.
Question 9
CASE STUDY: A science teacher is demonstrating how to measure specific heat capacity using different materials. The teacher uses a heater and thermometer setup, emphasizing the importance of avoiding air gaps for accurate readings.
What should the teacher do next?
Question 10
Power is calculated as voltage divided by current.
Question 11
How to ensure accurate temperature readings?
Question 12
The equation for power is current times _____ across the component.
Question 13
Voltmeter measures potential difference across a component in parallel.
Question 14
Why is insulation important in experiments?
Question 15
To avoid air gaps, add a few drops of _____ before inserting the thermometer.
Question 16
Ammeter is connected in parallel with the component.
Question 17
How to calculate specific heat capacity?
Question 18
To measure power accurately, use a voltmeter and an _____ in series.
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