Quiz LibraryThe Spanish-American War 1898 (Documentary)
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE81py34A58video
Concepts covered:Cuba Libre, Monroe Doctrine, yellow press, Rough Riders, Philippine Insurrection
The Spanish-American War of 1898 was fueled by American interests in Cuba's independence from Spain, driven by economic opportunities and expansionist ambitions, as well as sensationalist media reports of Spanish atrocities. The war resulted in the U.S. emerging as a global power with new territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, while Cuba gained a fragile independence, and the conflict marked the decline of Spain's colonial empire.
The Spanish-American War 1898 (Documentary)
Concepts covered:Cuba Libre, Monroe Doctrine, yellow press, Rough Riders, Philippine Insurrection
The Spanish-American War of 1898 was fueled by American interests in Cuba's independence from Spain, driven by economic opportunities and expansionist ambitions, as well as sensationalist media reports of Spanish atrocities. The war resulted in the U.S. emerging as a global power with new territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, while Cuba gained a fragile independence, and the conflict marked the decline of Spain's colonial empire.
Question 1
The Monroe Doctrine was introduced in 1823.
Question 2
What was a major challenge for U.S. troops in Cuba?
Question 3
The U.S. acquired the Philippines from Spain for _____ million dollars.
Question 4
CASE STUDY: A journalist in 1898 is tasked with reporting on the Spanish-American War.
What should the journalist focus on in their report?
Question 5
CASE STUDY: A military strategist is evaluating the U.S. naval blockade of Cuba.
Select three correct outcomes of the naval blockade.
Question 6
The Rough Riders were led by President McKinley.
Question 7
What tactic did Cuban rebels use against Spain?
Question 8
The Monroe Doctrine was introduced by President _____ in 1823.
Question 9
CASE STUDY: A U.S. businessman in 1898 is considering investing in Cuban sugar plantations.
What should the businessman consider before investing?
Question 10
The U.S. Navy blockaded Cuba in April 1898.
Question 11
How did yellow journalism influence the Spanish-American War?
Question 12
The Rough Riders were led by future president _____ Roosevelt.
Question 13
Spain retained control of Cuba after the Spanish-American War.
Question 14
Why did the U.S. annex the Philippines?
Question 15
The U.S. Navy blockaded Cuba, leading Spain to declare war on _____ 23rd.
Question 16
The Spanish-American War led to U.S. global presence expansion.
Question 17
What was the Monroe Doctrine's primary purpose?
Question 18
The Spanish-American War marked the end of Spain's _____ empire.

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