Quiz Library📝 GCSE Biology Paper 2 | 🔴 Live Stream @ 8:30PM | Predicted Topics | Combined & Triple Science
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZISSHDUzpYvideo
Concepts covered:water cycle, carbon cycle, classification, reaction time practical, binomial system
The video covered topics such as the water cycle, carbon cycle, classification, and reaction time practical in biology. It explained the processes involved in each cycle, the binomial system for naming organisms, and how caffeine affects reaction time in an experiment.
Table of Contents1.Genetic Engineering and Insulin Production2.Water and Carbon Cycles3.Eye Anatomy and Vision Correction4.Understanding Kidney Function5.Plant Hormones: Auxins, Gibberellins, and Ethylene
Genetic Engineering and Insulin Production
Concepts covered:Genetic Engineering, GMOs, Insulin Production, Bacteria, Human Gene Transfer
Genetic engineering involves transferring genes from one organism to another, creating genetically modified organisms (GMOs) like bacteria producing human insulin. This method eliminates the need to extract insulin from pigs and cows, addressing issues related to side effects, ethical concerns, and supply limitations.
Question 1
What is the basis of genetic engineering?
Question 2
What role do restriction enzymes play in genetic modification?
Question 3
How is human insulin produced using bacteria?
Water and Carbon Cycles
Concepts covered:water cycle, evaporation, precipitation, carbon cycle, photosynthesis
The chapter explains the water cycle, where the sun heats up water leading to evaporation, cloud formation, and precipitation. It also details the carbon cycle, involving carbon dioxide conversion by plants through photosynthesis, animal consumption, decomposition, and fossil fuel formation.
Question 4
How do animals contribute to the carbon cycle?
Question 5
What initiates the water cycle process?
Question 6
Why do plants both absorb and emit CO2?
Eye Anatomy and Vision Correction
Concepts covered:Eye Anatomy, Iris Reflex, Focusing Reflex, Hyperopia, Myopia
The chapter discusses the anatomy of the eye, focusing on the iris reflex and the focusing reflex. It also covers vision defects like hyperopia and myopia, explaining how they are corrected using convex and concave lenses.
Question 7
What happens to circular muscles in bright light?
Question 8
What muscle action occurs when an object moves closer?
Question 9
What does the lens do during the accommodation process?
Understanding Kidney Function
Concepts covered:kidney function, nephrons, filtration process, urea removal, urine regulation
The kidneys play a crucial role in filtering waste from the blood, including excess water, ions, and urea, to maintain the body's balance of water and ions. Through a complex process involving nephrons, the kidneys filter blood, reabsorb essential components, and excrete waste as urine, regulating urine volume based on the body's water levels.
Question 10
What substances are reabsorbed in selective reabsorption?
Question 11
What does a dialysis machine primarily remove?
Question 12
What does ultrafiltration in the kidneys remove?
Plant Hormones: Auxins, Gibberellins, and Ethylene
Concepts covered:Plant hormones, Auxins, Gibberellins, Ethylene, Phototropism
Plant hormones, such as auxins, control cell elongation in shoots and roots, enabling plants to respond to light and gravity. Auxins promote cell elongation in shoots and inhibit it in roots, leading to positive phototropism and negative gravitropism. Gibberellins induce seed germination and flower formation, while ethylene is used to ripen fruits and control dormancy.
Question 13
What is a common function of plant hormones?
Question 14
Why control light intensity in plant growth experiments?
Question 15
What role do microorganisms play in biogas generators?

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