Quiz LibraryBackend web development - a complete overview
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBu54nfzxAQvideo
Concepts covered:Backend web development, Front end, Data storage, Programming languages, Cloud computing
Backend web development involves splitting a website into front end and backend, with the backend managing data storage and processing. Technologies used in backend development include programming languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Java, backend frameworks like Express JS and Django, package managers, databases like MySQL and MongoDB, cloud computing services, and additional technologies like Redis and Rabbit MQ.
Table of Contents1.Understanding Website Frontend and Backend Technologies2.Backend Programming Languages and Tools3.Database Management in Web Development4.Understanding Request Structure and Backend API in Programming5.Understanding REST API Conventions
Understanding Website Frontend and Backend Technologies
Concepts covered:Website Frontend, Website Backend, Data Management, Amazon.com Example, Backend Technologies
Exploring the distinction between website frontend and backend, where the frontend encompasses visual elements while the backend manages data storage and processing. Using Amazon.com as an example, the backend stores order history, profiles, and search results, illustrating the technology involved in backend operations.
Question 1
What does the backend of a website manage?
Question 2
How does the backend contribute to search results on Amazon?
Question 3
What role does your computer play when sending an order to Amazon?
Backend Programming Languages and Tools
Concepts covered:Backend programming languages, Backend frameworks, Package managers, Express JS, NPM
Computers need to be programmed to receive messages from the internet, requiring a backend programming language. Utilizing backend frameworks and package managers like Express JS and NPM simplifies server creation and package management for common tasks.
Question 4
Why do computers need backend programming languages?
Question 5
How do package managers assist in backend development?
Question 6
Which framework simplifies server creation in JavaScript?
Database Management in Web Development
Concepts covered:Web development, Databases, MySQL, Postgres, Request-response cycle
Web development requires efficient data storage solutions like databases such as MySQL and Postgres. The process involves the front end sending requests to the backend, which then saves data to the database and responds, forming a request-response cycle.
Question 7
Why must the backend communicate with the database?
Question 8
What happens after the backend saves an order?
Question 9
What is the primary function of a database?
Understanding Request Structure and Backend API in Programming
Concepts covered:Request Structure, Amazon Order Example, Backend API, Request Types, Backend Programming
Exploration of the components within a request, using an Amazon order as an example, highlighting the request type, domain, and URL path. Backend API significance in defining allowed request types and handling procedures, emphasizing its crucial role in backend programming.
Question 10
How does the backend handle a post slash orders request?
Question 11
What happens if a request is not allowed by the API?
Question 12
What does the URL path in a request specify?
Understanding REST API Conventions
Concepts covered:REST API, request types, URL paths, naming convention, API design
Exploring the significance of request types and URL paths in REST APIs, particularly focusing on the naming convention of using 'post' for creating, 'get' for retrieving, and 'delete' for removing data. Discussing how REST, GraphQL, and RPC are different conventions for designing APIs.
Question 13
How does GraphQL differ from REST in request types?
Question 14
Which request type retrieves data in REST?
Question 15
What does POST /orders signify in REST?

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