Created from Youtube video: covered:Roots, Shoots, Stem, Leaves, Flowers
Plants have various parts with specific functions like roots absorbing nutrients and shoots above ground level. The stem carries water and food, leaves produce oxygen, flowers attract pollinators, and fruits contain seeds for new plants.
Parts of a Plant for kids || Parts of a Plant
Concepts covered:Roots, Shoots, Stem, Leaves, Flowers
Plants have various parts with specific functions like roots absorbing nutrients and shoots above ground level. The stem carries water and food, leaves produce oxygen, flowers attract pollinators, and fruits contain seeds for new plants.
Question 1
What does the stem carry to leaves?
Question 2
What part of the plant is underground?
Question 3
What do stomata help plants do?
Question 4
What do flowers turn into after pollination?
Question 5
Which part stores food like potatoes?
Question 6
What is the undeveloped shoot called?
Created with Kwizie