Quiz LibraryCS50P - Lecture 0 - Functions, Variables
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP7ITIXGpHkvideo
Concepts covered:Python programming, functions, variables, Visual Studio Code, command line interface
The video introduces the basics of programming with Python, focusing on functions and variables. It demonstrates writing code in Visual Studio Code, running Python programs in a command line interface, and covers concepts like functions, arguments, bugs, and debugging.
CS50P - Lecture 0 - Functions, Variables
Concepts covered:Python programming, functions, variables, Visual Studio Code, command line interface
The video introduces the basics of programming with Python, focusing on functions and variables. It demonstrates writing code in Visual Studio Code, running Python programs in a command line interface, and covers concepts like functions, arguments, bugs, and debugging.
Question 1
What does the 'return' keyword do in Python?
Question 2
Why does 'NameError' occur in Python?
Question 3
How do you square a number in Python?
Question 4
How do you store user input as an integer?

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