Quiz LibraryMod-01 Lec-06 Normal Shock Waves
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85X8hjBlLYAvideo
Concepts covered:normal shock wave, Mach number, static pressure, temperature ratio, stagnation pressure
The video discusses the calculation of properties downstream of a normal shock wave, including Mach numbers, static pressure, temperature ratios, and stagnation pressures. It explores limiting cases where Mach number tends to one and infinity, showing how properties like pressure and temperature change in these scenarios.
Table of Contents1.Illustration of Normal Shock Solution on TS and PV Diagrams2.Stagnation Pressure Loss in Shock Waves3.Efficiency of Shock Wave Compression Process4.Analysis of Normal Shock Wave Properties5.Calculation of Normal Shock Wave Properties
Illustration of Normal Shock Solution on TS and PV Diagrams
Concepts covered:Normal Shock Solution, TS Diagram, PV Diagram, Irreversible Process, Subsonic Flow
The chapter illustrates the normal shock solution on TS and PV diagrams, emphasizing the increase in pressure and temperature across the shock wave, irreversible processes, and the subsonic flow downstream of the shock wave.
Question 1
Why is flow subsonic downstream of a normal shock?
Question 2
What increases across a normal shock?
Question 3
What indicates an irreversible process in T-S diagrams?
Stagnation Pressure Loss in Shock Waves
Concepts covered:Stagnation pressure loss, Shock waves, Isobars divergence, Entropy increase, Irreversibility
The chapter discusses the concept of stagnation pressure loss in shock waves by analyzing the divergence of isobars on TS and PV diagrams. It explains how moving to the right of a state results in a loss of stagnation pressure due to increased entropy and irreversibility.
Question 4
Effect of shock wave on specific volume and pressure?
Question 5
Why does stagnation pressure decrease with entropy increase?
Question 6
What does the T* line indicate in thermodynamic diagrams?
Efficiency of Shock Wave Compression Process
Concepts covered:shock wave compression, specific volume, pressure change, isentropic process, normal shock compression
The chapter discusses the efficiency of shock wave compression by comparing the change in specific volume and pressure between normal shock and isentropic compression processes. It highlights how the isentropic process is efficient but not effective, while the normal shock compression process is effective but not efficient.
Question 7
What Mach number limits use of normal shock compression?
Question 8
How does stagnation pressure loss change from Mach 2 to 3?
Question 9
Why is normal shock compression termed effective?
Analysis of Normal Shock Wave Properties
Concepts covered:Normal Shock Wave, Static Properties, Stagnation Properties, Frames of Reference, Calculation
This chapter delves into the analysis of normal shock wave properties, using a specific example to illustrate the calculations involved in determining static and stagnation properties ahead of and behind the shock wave in different frames of reference.
Question 10
What changes downstream of the shock wave?
Question 11
What remains constant in different frames for normal shock?
Question 12
How does observer's speed affect perceived shock wave speed?
Calculation of Normal Shock Wave Properties
Concepts covered:Normal Shock Wave, Mach Numbers, Stagnation Pressure, Stagnation Temperature, Frame of Reference
The chapter discusses the calculation of properties across a normal shock wave, including the speed of sound, Mach numbers, static and stagnation pressures, and temperatures in both moving and stationary frames of reference. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the correct frame of reference when determining stagnation quantities.
Question 13
How does frame of reference affect stagnation pressure?
Question 14
Why might one use normal shock tables?
Question 15
How is Mach number M1 calculated?

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