Created from Youtube video: covered:CNC mill, cutter path, X&Y coordinates, end mill sizes, plus and minus values
The video discusses the basics of creating a cutter path on a CNC mill by determining X&Y coordinates, understanding the origin, and adjusting for tool size variations. It demonstrates how different end mill sizes impact the tool path and emphasizes the importance of correctly inputting plus and minus values to avoid errors.
Concepts covered:CNC mill, cutter path, X&Y coordinates, end mill sizes, plus and minus values
The video discusses the basics of creating a cutter path on a CNC mill by determining X&Y coordinates, understanding the origin, and adjusting for tool size variations. It demonstrates how different end mill sizes impact the tool path and emphasizes the importance of correctly inputting plus and minus values to avoid errors.
Question 1
How does tool size affect CNC programming?
Question 2
Why is the tool centerline important in CNC?
Question 3
What does X+ indicate in CNC programming?
Question 4
Why do we move past corners in CNC?
Question 5
What is the X value at point 1?
Question 6
What is the origin in the Cartesian coordinate system?
Created with Kwizie