Quiz LibraryTranslations Reflections and Rotations - Geometric Transformations!
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqHWdTLL8Qwvideo
Concepts covered:translations, reflections, rotations, geometric transformations, quadrants
The video discusses geometric transformations including translations, reflections, and rotations. It explains how to perform these transformations on figures in different quadrants using specific examples and provides step-by-step instructions for each type of transformation.
Table of Contents1.Reflections over X and Y Axes2.Rotating Triangles in Quadrants3.Rotating Triangles in Quadrants4.Rotating Figures by 180 Degrees5.Rotating Figures by 180 Degrees
Reflections over X and Y Axes
Concepts covered:Reflections, X-axis, Y-axis, Quadrants, Coordinates
The chapter discusses reflections over the x-axis and y-axis, explaining how figures move and flip when reflected. It covers the process of reflecting shapes in different quadrants and provides examples with clear instructions on multiplying coordinates for accurate reflections.
Question 1
Where does a point move reflecting over x-axis from Quadrant II?
Question 2
Which axis reflection changes the x-coordinate?
Question 3
How does x-coordinate change in y-axis reflection?
Rotating Triangles in Quadrants
Concepts covered:Triangle, Quadrants, Rotation, Clockwise, Counterclockwise
Rotating a triangle in quadrant one by 90 degrees clockwise moves it to quadrant four, changing the positions of points A, B, and C. The hypotenuse becomes the side of the right triangle. Rotating the triangle 90 degrees counterclockwise shifts it from quadrant one to quadrant two, altering the positions of points A, B, and C.
Question 4
Where does a triangle end after 90 degrees counterclockwise rotation?
Question 5
What happens when a triangle rotates 90 degrees clockwise?
Question 6
Which quadrant does clockwise rotation of 90 degrees reach?
Rotating Triangles in Quadrants
Concepts covered:Triangle, Quadrants, Rotation, Clockwise, Counterclockwise
Rotating a triangle in quadrant one by 90 degrees clockwise moves it to quadrant four, changing the positions of points A, B, and C. The hypotenuse becomes the side of the right triangle. Rotating the triangle 90 degrees counterclockwise shifts it from quadrant one to quadrant two, altering the positions of points A, B, and C.
Question 7
Where does a triangle move with a 90-degree counterclockwise rotation?
Question 8
Which rotation direction moves a shape from quadrant one to four?
Question 9
What quadrant does a 90-degree clockwise rotation reach?
Rotating Figures by 180 Degrees
Concepts covered:rotation, 180 degrees, coordinates, reflection, origin
Rotating a figure by 180 degrees results in the same shape as reflecting it across the origin. Changing the coordinates by multiplying each by -1 achieves a 180-degree rotation.
Question 10
What happens to a point after 180-degree rotation?
Question 11
How to transform point (x, y) by 180 degrees?
Question 12
Effect on (x, y) after 90-degree counterclockwise rotation?
Rotating Figures by 180 Degrees
Concepts covered:rotation, 180 degrees, coordinates, reflection, origin
Rotating a figure by 180 degrees results in the same shape as reflecting it across the origin. Changing the coordinates by multiplying each by -1 achieves a 180-degree rotation.
Question 13
What happens to a point after 180-degree rotation?
Question 14
How to transform point (x, y) by 180 degrees?
Question 15
Transform (x, y) for 90-degree clockwise rotation?

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