Quiz Library(1) My daily routine. ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS A1-A2. How I spend my day
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L31ExXwlsVcvideo
Concepts covered:yoga, work, classes, friends, bed
The daily routine starts with yoga and a quick shower, followed by work until 2:00 p.m. After classes, the individual either goes to the gym or spends time with friends before reading or watching a favorite series before bed.
My daily routine. ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS A1-A2. How I spend my day
Concepts covered:yoga, work, classes, friends, bed
The daily routine starts with yoga and a quick shower, followed by work until 2:00 p.m. After classes, the individual either goes to the gym or spends time with friends before reading or watching a favorite series before bed.
Question 1
What does the person do after classes?
Question 2
What does the person do after waking up?
Question 3
What does the person do before going to bed?
Question 4
When does the person start and finish work?
Question 5
How does the person travel to work and university?

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