Quiz LibraryHanken Business Lab Slush Podcast: William von der Pahlen, Nelli Lähteenmäki, Marc-Johann Seppänen
Created from Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOB-yaetv-Uvideo
Concepts covered:entrepreneurship, personal sacrifices, wellness, Guardian X app, mindset
The video features discussions with William von der Pahlen, Nelli Lähteenmäki, and Marc-Johann Seppänen on topics like entrepreneurship, personal sacrifices, wellness, and the launch of Guardian X app for personal safety, emphasizing the importance of mindset, small actions, and personalized approaches in achieving success and well-being.
Table of Contents1.Innovative Tracking Technology and Wellness Services2.Guardian X: Location-Based Safety App
Innovative Tracking Technology and Wellness Services
Concepts covered:tracking technology, sleep monitoring, wellness services, personalized services, busy individuals
The chapter discusses the advancements in tracking technology, emphasizing the importance of finding a tracker that aligns with one's needs, such as monitoring sleep for better health. It also delves into the concept of personalized wellness services catering to busy individuals like private equity investors and entrepreneurs.
Question 1
What aspect of trackers appeals to entrepreneurs?
Question 2
How can sleep tracking improve well-being?
Question 3
What influences retention rates in health trackers?
Question 4
Why do busy professionals prefer personalized services?
Guardian X: Location-Based Safety App
Concepts covered:Guardian X, location technology, peer-to-peer technology, safety app, unusual behavior detection
Guardian X is an app utilizing location and peer-to-peer technology to ensure safety during travel. It notifies selected contacts of your safe arrival and triggers an alarm if unusual behavior is detected.
Question 5
How does Garden X utilize peer-to-peer technology?
Question 6
What mitigates abuse in Garden X's system?
Question 7
What primary function does Garden X serve?

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